Saturday, November 29, 2008

Post Election Void and on to Euphoria

Happy New Year to all my faithful blog readers. 

To fill the post-election void, Howard and I traveled to China and SE Asia. From the Great Wall

To the Beijing Opera:

To the Olympic Village Birdnest

It was a wonderful escape from USA politics plus an extraordinary "look" into our daughter and  son-in-law's Shanghai lifestyle (you may remember Rebecca and Aaron have been living and working in Shanghai since April, 2008). 

We visited Beiijin, Xian, Shanghai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. 

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur
There is nothing like world travel to open your eyes to the bigness and smallness of the world! Once again, Happy New Year to all! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Victory and The Void

Surely everyone has witnessed not only Barack Obama's elegant victory and but also his exquisite victory speech. I didn't want him to stop talking. After 8 loooong years of you-know-who-it was heavenly to listen to an American leader sounding so smart and speaking with such grace, intellect and compassion.
But today, while nursing my victory "hangover", I have to admit I feel a void. I have been 100% focused on this endless campaign: raising money, raising awareness, and of course, raising my voice for a new American policy direction.
What am I going to do? Will the TV Talking heads still hold my attention. Will I watch these TV shows everyday with with same intense attention? Will I surf the internet for the latest update? Will I now have to use my time for accomplishing long-overdue tasks like: cleaning my closet?! 
I suspect I'll do a few "catch-up" jobs but mostly, knowing me, I'll stay  in "worry mode". Before today, I worried about the election.
Now, I'll worry about:
Who is John Stewart and Stephen Colbert going to make of now?
Who is Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow going to exhort?
What will Chuck Todd analyze?
And, most worrisome: how much more vitriol will be spewed from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and the other right winger radio/TV talkers.
Random thought:
Maybe it's time to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. during Ronald Reagan's administration allowing all the partisan broadcasting we experience today. Maybe this reversal was not a good thing--For anyone. Some of the talking heads -on both sides-have been-and I fear will continue to be-brutal. 
Barack Obama is a unique candidate. Although all the talking heads and news journalists keep going on and on about Barack's blackness, President-Elect Obama is not a traditional "black candidate". His candidacy was not a "black grievance" campaign. Rather his campaign and now his presidency will be of "possibilities"...what we can achieve together; he wants us to be a team. I think he'll be able to count on us.
Obama appealed to the basic fabric of American life...what we all want for our families...and in the end, when people voted, people realized we are all in this big American boat TOGETHER. And when you're in leaky boat, it does not matter the captain's skin color, you want the captain to save the ship so all don't drown!
The most hard-to-win-cohort was the white male over 50 years. Since the founding of this country, the Older White Male has reigned supreme and no one likes to relinquish power. But the changing fabric of the American "melting pot" has brought a multitude of shades and beliefs to the political table. And while-in the end-this is a good thing-in the short term, it won't be easy.  There is no going back. This is a country based on merit and diversity is here to stay. And the broader the diversity, the better. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the vote, the desperate & the ditch

10 days till election and, here in Ohio, the ground forces are swelling. Beginning tomorrow, The National Democratic Committee staff is dispersing to the Battleground States--and OHIO is on the list. These folks, who depend on home hospitality, will work on get-out-the-vote (door-to-door campaigning), field office support and basically anything that needs doing will be done by the these folks. 
At 3pm on this wall-to-wall-sunshine day, I voted. I didn't give much thought to driving to our County Board of Elections (BOE) UNTIL I got to within about 8 blocks of my destination, and I began to encounter signs that read:

For those readers not that familiar with downtown Cleveland, let me say, it is mighty unusual to have a problem with parking let alone to ever need OVERFLOW parking!! 
 So, naturally, I continued on my way, ignoring the signs.
I kept on driving, cock-sure I could just park in the  BOE's adjacent lot.  As I approached the BOE building and, I see not only no parking in sight, but also that the police have the street blocked...and so, I keep on driving. Finally able to make a legal U-turn, I back tracked and proceeded to follow the parking signs! Now, I'm thinking, WOW! Voting is gonna be jammed! 

Wrong again!
Voting was a breeze. Dozens of very helpful workers and scores of Voting Booths:

Now that I have voted, I will be free to work for the campaign on November 4th. 

DESPERATE? A few days ago, Lisa, my daughter-in-law, sent this photo showing a pre-paid Federal Express envelope along with a pleaful letter from John McCain, written in the most urgent language-for donations to be sent ASAP-in the aforementioned FedEx envelope. FEDEX!!! Isn't that pretty expen$ive??? 
(full disclosure: The mailing was addressed to the former owner of Lisa and Wilton's home!) 
And finally, last week, when Bill Clinton was in Cleveland, he said, that Americans only vote for Democrats when "we're in a ditch". Ditch? Seems to me, we're in waaaay more than a ditch, maybe the Grand Canyon??  If that's the case, maybe we'll soon see the change we so desperately need.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ohio-the heart of it all

19 days till election day and OHIO is buzzing.
From Lake Erie to the Ohio River, Youngstown to Toledo (for those of you not familiar with geography, that means north to south, east to west),  the candidates and their surrogates are flooding Ohio looking for money and votes.
Ohioans are lately in the (not such good) news: Joe-the-Plumber is from Toledo.  Sarah Palin's rally in Strongsville where someone yelled: "Kill him". 

In the raising money department, today, I was in a Shaker Heights living room (albeit way in the back-see photo) with President 42: Bill Clinton. For those of you who have been in a
room with Bill, you know what I mean when I say: "He owns the crowd."
After 8 years of listening to you-know-who, it was refreshing to hear a leader who put dozens of sentences together and they all made sense! President Clinton was optimistic about Obama's winning the election however he cautioned against complacency and emphasized the importance of "get out the vote". 
As of this writing-in OHIO- McCain has pulled even with Obama. Hopefully, when you read this, that will not be the case. Here is one set of polls you can check:
However, the only poll that really matters is the one that occurs on Tuesday,  November 4, 2008.
Seen in the crowd: Ohio's Lieutenent Governor's son, Jason Fisher (producer /director of "Swing State" see blog: Random Musings) who, you may recall, is working with Katie Couric on her CBS webcast. Last week, Jason was with the CBS team in Nashville for Presidential Debate #2. Jason and Bob Schieffer (Moderator: Presidential Debate #3) were talking about possible questions Schieffer could ask. Jason suggested he ask about how the candidates felt about their Vice Presidential running mates and their fitness to assume the "job #1". And you know, Scheiffer asked that very question. If you saw the debate, you heard the candidates' answers. Obama described, in detail, Joe Biden's intellect and foreign policy experience. About the best McCain could say was that he was "proud" of Sarah Palin. "Proud?" of her? Come on, is she is daughter? What kind of qualification attends to McCain's "proudness"?
Musing #2. Received an email asking me to verify some of the smears circulating the internet. If you receive any one these wild accusations, please check for the truth at 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pizza & Talking Points

With the election only 28 days away, it is now time for each of us to become familiar with a couple of powerful talking points in order to be prepared to talk to-and persuade-those few undecided and on-the-fence voters among us.
During a recent pizza dinner (fyi Clevelanders: Mama Santas), I asked our server to whom she was giving her support in the Presidential election. Her interesting reply: "I'm trying to vote for Obama." "Trying," I asked? She went on that she was "pretty good" with McCain until his picked Palin as VP. It was then that she had begin to "try" to vote Obama. She said she was worried most specifically about healthcare. But the "trying" to vote for Obama indicated-to me-something a lot deeper.
We proceeded to eat our pizza all the while having a conversation with our server about issues in general but the two candidates' health care plans in particular. 
McCain: Tax credits. Tax on Health Benefits.
Obama: Keep your current plan w/choice of doctor, or participate in Federal Employee Plan and prevent insurance companies from locking you out for pre-existing condition. (Very simplified. But we're talking "talking points", here)
But more important, we incorporated these two talking points:
1) If the U.S. constitution guarantees to even the most egregious criminal a proper legal defense, should not every American child be guaranteed a physician?
2) If you needed a physician expert to cure a dreaded illness, would you ask the color of the physician's skin? If you're flying in an airplane, do you care the color of the pilot's skin?
The United States is a sick patient that needs a good physician to help with its cure.
The United States is a giant airplane filled with 300 million citizens. 
The United States needs a careful, thoughtful and serious pilot to navigate all 300 million of us into a safe and secure-in-every-way-future. 

We loved our pizza and our server "ate up" our analogies. We finished our pizza and as we left the restaurant, our server was nodding her head in agreement with us!

Now, you have to talk to your servers and any others you may meet who are "working on their vote". Good Luck and GObama!

Missing in Action

I am alerted that many of my subscribers are not receiving my blog due to a SPAM problem. Please send me an email when you read this: indicating that you are still "in the loop". For those who do not respond, I will followup.
As we enter these crucial and, yes, exciting final days of this endless election year (it's only a year? Feels like forever!) I would not want any of "my people" to miss my next blog.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We read in the paper (The Vast Variety!) and on-line polls and hear from the TV talkers and pollsters that there is a not-so-soft whispering campaign against Barack Obama telling people-among other things- that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
First if all he isn't.
BUT, even if he were, isn't there something like The United States Bill of Rights-first amendment-"freedom of religion"? 
Ok. OK. I know that for some people, the Muslim thing immediately translates into "terrorist"--though I must say -- a mighty broad brush stroke....but that is a story for another day.
So here I am in Sarasota, Florida (You know-Florida is in the South!?) and while talking to a very nice businessman who seemed --from our conversation --to be supporting Obama who suddenly says to me: "The only thing is, he's a Muslin." 
Dear reader, don't worry, I set him straight. I mentioned the fact checker website
If you ever receive an email that doesn't "sound right", you should go to SNOPES and check it out.
If you are supporting Barack Obama, you have the responsibility to talk to people and dispel these myths. This kind of support doesn't cost you a dime. Only the time it takes to tell someone the FACTS.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Button

Back in Denver (doesn't that seem like years ago?), I met a lady who had made and was selling to help defray Hillary's campaign debt,  this pin:

It was designed to send the message that Hillary supporters were NOW Barack Obama supporters.
If you have been a loyal reader, you'll remember my post of August 28 ("Everyone Makes Nice") where Hillary nominated Barack by acclimation and Bill Clinton gave a fantastic & supportive speech for Barack. It seemed everyone was "healed" or at least on their way to that promised land except John Oliver and the Daily Show people who were keen to point out that the PUMA people were NEVER -EVER-going to support Obama. 
The Convention concluded and as as we all returned to our home towns, we took our "Hillary Supports Obama" buttons with us. 
Then came the Republican Convention and the phenomenon known as Sarah Palin. I know I don't have describe what has since transpired. EXCEPT for the transformed button. 
The button has taken on a whole new meaning: That is, Hillary people ARE Obama supporters and NOT Sarah Palin supporters! 
Last weekend, my mom and I were in New York City and as we proudly wore our buttons--countless people stopped to talk to us --in the hotel, at lunch and dinner, on the street--to say they loved the button, how could they get a button of their own, and other equally cheerful things! We made a million new friends! :)
As we were checking out of our very nice hotel, the doorman (of all people!) made a snide remark about our pins: Something like: "If he wins, you won't be able to stay at a hotel like this!" And with that, my mother turns to him and says: "If he doesn't win, you won't be having a job at a hotel like this!"
And as we know, there is our great-grand-canyon-of-a-culture-divide.


I sent this letter to the editor of The New York Times. Doubtful that it will see publication, I offer my thoughts in this humble blog. I suggest everyone call their Representative and Senators. This is no laughing matter.
To the editor:
In their meticulous description (Blocking Care for Women", NYTimes, September 19, 2008) 
Hillary Clinton and Cecile Richards perfectly describe what may be the matching bookend for the G.W. Bush Presidency. On his first day in office, January, 2001, President Bush reinstated the Global Gad Rule, a policy whose restriction mandates that no U.S. family planning assistance can be provided to foreign NGOs that use funding from any other source to perform abortions, provide counseling or lobby to make abortion legal or more available. The "gag" stifles free speech and health care progress for women in developing countries.
Now, the Bush Health and Human Service people want to extend a similar "gag" order cloaked as a way to "protect a provider's conscience" to block women's health needs right here in the United States of America. Good Grief. If this is allowed, "we the people" are surely headed toward an "imperfect union".

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The last three weeks have been filled with two back-to-back political conventions and a week that was not to be for recuperation-but blaring with non-stop shooting of red and blue poison arrows. 
I write today about two things: 1) the double standard (it's "ok" for the red team but not-so-"ok" for the blue team and 2) Two countries: The USA and the USA.
The double standard I refer to concerns the righteous right against the somehow unrighteous- non-right. 
Examples-I'm sure you've read these before:
1) Jamie Lynn Spears (Brittany's sister) gets pregnant and the right shouts: "bad parents" BUT
Sara Palin's daughter get pregnant and the right politely states: "we treasure life".
2) If you're Harvard educated and by-pass the fancy law firm to focus on your community and your family, you are not "truly American" BUT if you never went to college or you went to multiple small colleges and finally graduated, you're living as  a "real American".

So goes the popular email entitled "I'm Confused"(Thank you, Andy!) and while all the examples are clever and very sarcastically-smart aleck, the real point is that there is something at work that- to me- and probably to  you, doesn't quite make sense. Why is my thinking so, so opposite? Why can't I get my mind around the "red world"?

To help educate myself and  better understand the "other side of the argument", I recently subscribed to the Wall Street Journal (Sorry, Bob, not quite ready for Rush's Newsletter!). As much as I am a devoted fan of the NYTimes op-ed folks; Tom Friedman,  Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd--I knew I needed another view. And there, on Saturday morning, was the article that said it all:

In case the link doesn't work or you don't want to read the lengthy article, the main take-aways are: 1) "Liberals always think there's something broken in politics. Conservatives always think there's something wrong with the culture."
2) If hearing the word "culture" makes you think of Rossini, the latest translation of  "Anna Karenina", the Guggenheim Museum" or "The Wire", then you're probably a liberal--or at least, an  unreconstructed "cosmopolitan" conservative. But if the word culture means for you forms of courtship, or sexual preference, or the relationship between parents and children, or the set of rituals that revolve around the ownership and use of a gun, or, most passionately of all, ways OF living, and believing, and rejoicing, and suffering, and dying that are hallowed by the religion you practice, you are what might be called either a heartland or a Bloomian conservative.

Thus, I finally "get it"'s about two ways of life...two opposite world views. Which brings me to my final musing...
Saturday-ironically the same day as the WSJ "Culture" article-I volunteered at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. My job brought me into the lives of two young suburban sisters--a 17year old high school senior and 20 year old-a college sophomore.

When someone walked by wearing an Obama hat, I  took the opportunity to inquire if the girls had chosen their candidate. Without a moment's hesitation, they forcefully and with commitment said"McCain". 
After I caught my breath, I gently asked what about McCain earned their support. And that's when the WSJ article intersected with my new teenaged friends: "Sarah Palin!" they exclaimed, "she's gonna bring us change."
It was raining on Saturday. And we had a two-hour shift together. I took a loooong pause. A short while later, I asked what they knew about Sarah? (Suddenly I'm on a first name basis with Ms. Palin!)  When the answers were non-coming, I asked, "Do you knew about Sarah's strict anti-abortion policy and her abstinence-only sex education?" No, they weren't that familiar with that stuff, but their own religion was against abortion.
Suddenly, the 17 year old volunteers that just 3 weeks ago she had accompanied a pregnant friend to court-as a minor, the friend was seeking a judge's permission for an abortion. (Being underage and not wanting her parents involved, she needed the judge to grant the abortion permission.) If the friend had to have the baby, she would have had to forfeit her 4-year, full college scholarship. Wanting to go on to college, she proceeded with the court approved abortion.
Now, we were talkin! We talked about the implications the overturn of Roe v Wade, back alley abortions, coat hangers ("really?" they asked eyes wide open?? These "hip-know-it-all"and  confident-girls were shocked!) We shared a few more "real stories, talked about Sarah's abstinence-only sex education policy ("Are you kidding?" they asked)  and then the younger sister said "well, we have have to vote MCCain b/c our parents and grandparents are for him" and, anyway, they are Italian and "Italians would never vote for a black".

Ahhh. And there it was. The angry, festered, bursting boil. The culture war at work.

I sympathized with their situation and acknowledged that kids often agree with the politics of their family's dinner table. The girls were silent. And I was silently hoping that armed with some facts from our conversation they would have the courage to make their own decision.
There is a lot of work to do to reach across the "culture".

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back Home and BAM!

Back home for a few days, and while I am still reeling from the long days and short nights, life was mostly back to normal when BAM!  John McCain names Sarah Palin as his VP and the suddenly, women across America are asking themselves: Can I support Sarah Palin?

Thanks to Lana Moresky for alerting me to the Gloria Steinem article in today's LA Times. Gloria says it all and says it best: http//,o,1290251.story 

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's "no-choice" choice

I certainly did not expect to add yet another post today... Thought you all might have had enough. But as my plane was coming to its Cleveland gate, my email was filled with inquires about what I thought about McCain's VP choice and did I think the PUMA people would line up for McCain.
First, I'm flattered at the question. And since you asked, here goes-with this caveat:
I am not the "Hillary Clinton supporters" spokesperson. 
That said, the Hillary supporters I know are all lined up behind Obama: 100%. We know the first order of business is TO WIN! and John McCain in the White House is no way to advance the women's agenda. For Ms. Palin: Just having breasts is not quite enough of a qualification.
So in spite of the talking heads, IMHO: I don't think the Alaska Governor will de-rail Barack Obama except that McCain will probably get Alaska's 3 electoral votes. 

the BIG day

The BIG Day

the endless line

The HUGE crowd

The BIG CheersI

Ohio's delegation met for our usual morning briefing that included a Memorial Tribute to Stephanie Tubbs-Jones. As you might imagine, all Ohio's elected officials paid tribute to Stephanie (Governor Strickland, Senator Brown, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunning, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Refern, and a lot of other people too (this was a 1 hour tribute). 
The remainder of the day was dedicated to getting to and into Invesco Field. No matter what you saw on TV, this was an enormous event. I heard $50 million along for security. And I believe it. Today's security was miles beyond what we had seen on prior days. 
First, to realize: Unlike the Pepsi Center, Invesco Field was not that accessible by foot. And even by vehicle, not so easy. A majority of the main roads to Invesco Field were closed. 
For me, this day was both exhilarating and exhausting.
First: Exhilarating.
Another Sparkling Denver day eliminated the weather worries. Lana and I went to lunch with all leaders of the Women's Movement including: Ellie Smeal, President. Feminist Majority, who sat with Joe Biden during the Clinton Speech and Kathy Spillar, Executive Editor Ms. Magazine.
The restaurant was very close to Invesco Field so we all felt very "safe" that we had plenty of time to avoid a rush. 
I was the first to leave. And as soon as I walked into the adjacent parking lot, I was stunned. As far as I could see, there was a winding line of thousands of people waiting to clear the credential check point. Dozens of Denver volunteers were trying to manage the crowd which-over all-was very controlled and patient. I was told that my "delegate badge" did not qualify me to "jump to the head of the line" and in no uncertain terms I was to "go to the end" (I couldn't even see the end of that line!) Long story short: I marched myself to the front of the line, declared I had a delegate credential and still the volunteer started pointing me in the "end of the line" direction while saying, "You'll have to speak with the Secret Service". I did and was ushered right through the "credential check".
"Ahh", you may say, "she got in." Not so fast! From there, I had about another mile of a winding and uphill trek to the 2nd security check point. 
FInally, at 3.30 pm I got to the seat my friend Judi Wolf was saving. 
All the speeches and pagent you saw on TV, need no comment from me. The crowd was HUGE and showed their love throughout the day and evening.
GETTING OUT: one word: Nightmare.
Almost 90,000 people leaving at the same time was wild. There were dozens of buses for people w/a credential but there were 10,000 of us and the buses were jammed. There was NO organization at all. Finally, on a bus that sat in the parking lot for another hour (!), I returned to my hotel 2 hours after leaving my seat in Invesco Field.
Today was not a day for the faint of heart!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everyone Makes Nice

By the end of Bill Clinton's speech- the feeling-for the first time this week-really felt UNIFED. When Bill Clinton came to the stage, the hall erupted in a huge, long and wildly ecstatic! and roar would not stop. If you were watching TV, you could see The President trying to calm the crowd-but to no avail. I think everyone was happy to be happy! (Plus, he clearly loved the love coming his way!) 
The choreographed nomination of Barack Obama, with the NY Delegation escorting Hillary into the hall and Hillary's gracious nomination completing the nominating process was brilliant. Again, everyone seemed really happy-everyone until we left the Pepsi Center and encountered a woman from Maryland being interviewed by John Oliver of Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. At first I thought she was an "act", but, no, she was clearly not happy and kept declaring she was voting for McCain. It was fun to watch the Daily Show people in action-but not so much fun hearing this lady.

There is a group called PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) that is supposedly composed of unhappy Clinton supporters saying they will vote McCain--but there are rumors that PUMA is being financed by the Republicans. Whoever they are, they have been demonstrating all week...right along side of the Falon Gong, the anti-abortion people with their dead baby photos and the evangelicals shouting at all passers-by that all women are going to burn for eternity in hell if we don't "submit to men" and accept Jesus. 

Armed with a precious ticket to Joe Biden's after party, we arrived at the Denver Convention Center to find "really delicious food" and since we were starving we were doubly happy.  All the B-I-G Obama fundraisers-led by Penny Pritzker-were there trying to be nice to the newly enfranchised Clinton people. It was like being the new "in laws"  and coming into a huge, happy family that was getting along fine without you, thank you very much! 

While this has been an amazing week, attending a national political convention requires considerable physical fitness, endurance and courage! This is not a sport for the faint of heart! But, nevertheless,  definitely a sport! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More photos

Once again-another sparkling Denver marathon day or more like a marathon Pep Rally! 
Pictures today. Words in the morning...

Police lookout on roof of Pepsi Center

Recharging-literally-in Lexus Lounge

The thrill of Bill Clinton (can we elect him again?)

Tom Brokow giving me a little wink!

Lots of Buttons...

The friendly police posed...
Judi Wolf and Me sharing the excitement

Random Musings

• Ohio Lieutenant Governor Lee FIsher's son Jason produced the movie "Swing State" -the story of Ohio's 2006 Governor's election. As I have written, this is convention of go-go-go...but at yesterday's screening, over 200 people sat still AND quiet for 90 minutes. You could hear a pin drop and these people are talkers!! Take a look and if you have the chance, don't miss it!

• Police are everywhere and now-on horseback, too!

• When they say this is a green convo, they mean it. The hotel keys are made of biodegradable wood and our hotel room has two waste baskets: Trash and Recycle! On every block, there are recycle centers--collecting on-the-go-trash and giving you a pin to prove it! Kinda like the election day "I voted" sticker!

• Yesterday, I arrived at the Pepsi Center at 3pm with my friends Judi and Marshall Wolf, where, armed with a "better" ticket--a result of good networking :)--I secured a great seat with a clear and unobstructed view! 

• More good networking: Got a ticket into the Lexus Lounge! No cars, but food, drink and a great view of Denver and the mountains PLUS an outdoor terrace where-after so long being indoors, the air was delicious!

• With the death of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, there is a LOTTA huddling about who will support who for her vacant seat. As I sit here in a hotel lobby writing this blog, there are two Ohio state legislators (talking too loud) one lobby the other for her support!! It's a riot. They are just chatting away...who supported who and when....and I am just sitting here looking at my little laptop screen! Hah!

• More Stephanie: Stephanie's funeral will be Saturday at Cleveland's Public Auditorium. Expected attendance will be: M/M Clinton, M/M Obama, M/M Bidens, Prez GW Bush, and probably half the Congress of the United States. It will be amazing...hope it doesn't rain!

• After the Funeral, the Obamas and Bidens will begin their mid-west bus tour. 

gotta go....

Endurance Contest

From TV and newspaper reports, you may think this is a gentle week of Democrats meeting to select their Presidential Candidate. But truth in fact, this is a grueling endurance contest of back to back to back events with everyone jockeying for credentials and position!
In the meantime, it is easy to strike up friendly conversations, meeting new people with interesting life stories.
With little sleep and lots of coffee, I am wired for another day!

A picture is worth a thousand words.

After 4 non-stop days, I don't have any words...let the photos speak for themselves
The three main Convention venues: Convention Center (front left) , Pepsi Center (mid-center) and Invesco Field (back left).
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and me
Lots of police...
CNN Headquarters

Dennis Eckhart

Hillary comes to the podium
McCain supporters joining our fun.
More Police

Monday, August 25, 2008

Crescendo Day-one day early

They say that Tuesday of Convention Week is the "crescendo day", but today the streets and venues were very crowded so I can't imagine tomorrow!
First on today's agenda was the Ohio democratic Party's daily breakfast briefing and credential distribution. 
As you know, I am also blogging for Cleveland Jewish News. So I wanted to attend the AIPAC briefing to learn about some of the Jewish issues. I called someone I know from AIPAC to ask to have my name added to "the list" (the only way to get into these events is to be "on the list") I was told "we can't just let anyone in" "Sorry, I can't help you" Whoa! I was shocked. Can you even imagine saying something that to someone you know? And it wasn't a joke. So, as you can guess, I didn't go. Oh well.
The DNC provided shuttle buses for all convention tktk holders from all hotel to the Pepsi Center. After a 30 minute wait, we learned the schedule "wasn't working". So we walked. Not that far-really, but it was HOT-so that by the time we got there, we were pretty sweaty.
Clearing the 1st security check point (tickets and credentials), we saw huge American and Colorado flags were waving against Denver's blue sky and as we entered the sparkling Pepsi Center decorated in red, white and blue bunting and banners, the energy of the crowds was contagious. Then we cleared a second security -a real one-like at the airport-except we didn't have to take off our shoes!) 
Seeing Caroline Kennedy was very nostalgic for me because in 1963, I was a young girl and remember Caroline as such a sweet little girl. So seeing her in this impressive role, was a tangible reminder of how "time marches on". And them when Ted Kennedy appeared on the stage, the place roared-really the floor vibrated.
Seeing and hearing Ted Kennedy was inspiring. Knowing the struggle he faces, the audience sat in enthralled attention and as you probably saw, exploded which cheers after each sentence! It was stunning.
And then came Michelle Obama. Her speech was elegant. And those kids-adorable and utterly spontaneous when they saw their dad on that huge TV Screen. It has become very typical for 21st Century families to communicate via a web-chat (I know my family frequently does the web-chat thing) and it was rather refreshing to see the Obama family doing what all families do: Staying connected with the people we love.

Just because you have a "credential" to enter the convention venue, unless you are a VVIP or a delegate, you do not have an assigned seat. So it is "every woman for herself!" With the bus delay (see above) I got to the venue late and my level of ticket was low. Through some well-placed "asking", I garnered a "club level" ticket that I thought was going to grease my way into a good seat.  Long story short: I had access to a Suite. Wow. This was going to be great night! I was so excited. I entered "my suite" and noticed that no one else was there. And then I knew why: This suite was DIRECTLY behind the stage. View? A huge black screen!  I looked into the adjoined suite, saw Susie Turnbull who immediately invited me into her suite...that turned out to have about a 30% better view. Thus, if you were wondering why this blog described feelings more than seeing and hearing, it's because mostly I didn't see anything or hear too much--except for the suite's TV!!
Lesson of the story: Arrive earlier!


The Denver Police in full force
Well, if you have watched any TV or read any newspaper, you know there is tension here in Denver between the Obama and Clinton teams. I know, I know, it shouldn't be so. The Clintonians should "give it up" etc etc. But, it is not the case. My sources tell me that it is usual for the opponent's high fund raisers to be included in the winner's "High Finance" events. (And as I have mentioned, this is is ALL about events. To be so left out, here at the Convention is not helping to smooth all the hurt feelings...and as we all also know, feelings and perceptions are "everything".

The daily morning Ohio Delegation breakfast (and pep rally) is jammed into a too small room in the Curtis Hotel. The best part of this hotel is the free wireless internet!!

Some Denver musings....
• If you think only Beijing has a "strong arm" to "clean up" their city, I learned that the huge numbers of this city's homeless have be "relocated" to the Denver Zoo--I am not kidding. 
• The 50,000 police roam is massive groups fully armed with riot gear. See photo above. 
• I watched Fox News last night and I couldn't believe I was in the same city as the one they were describing!
• When you watch the convo on TV, you'll notice OHIO has a prominent  floor location!
• The actual convention has not even started and I am exhausted!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nosh, Schmooz and Rock!

Red Rock

I'm official! I'm registered as an official member of the Ohio Delegation and as a member of the Democratic National Committee's Credential Committee. 
The Credential Committee was called to order by DNC Chairman Howard Dean. After we all said the Pledge of Alliance, Alice Garmond, DNC Secretary, called the role of the 50 United States plus Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Democrats Abroad, Virgin Islands, Guam and District of Columbia. The whole affair was cut and dry. NO drama. All controversy was settled prior to this meeting. FYI: All delegate from Florida and Michigan were seated.
From Credentials I took myself to Zaidy's Deli for a "Nosh and Schmooze" hosted by Susie Turnbull, DNC Vice-Chair, and Sister to Marshall Wolf. 
As you can imagine, all the shops, hotels, and restaurants have their windows filled with "Welcome Delegates!" 
But tonight was really cool! Dominion Energy sponsored a BBQ dinner and rock concert at the famous Red Rock Amphitheater for the Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky delegations. Built in the 1930's by Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Work Projects Administration (WPA) , this open-air amphitheater is surrounded by large, tilted, disc-shaped rocks behind the stage and huge vertical rock angled outwards from stage right, several large boulders angled outwards from stage left and a seating area for almost 10,000 in between.
Alternating between musical and political performers we heard: Cheryl Crowe, Sugarland, Dave Mathews, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Denver Mayor Hickenlooper (I'm not kidding), Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. I'll leave it to you to figure out who was musical and who was political!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Denver, Biden and the fun begins!

After a late Cleveland departure (the pilot did not show-up!), I arrived in Denver to a  packed airport, airport shuttle courtesy of the Ohio Democratic Party and sunny skies.
In a previous blog, I mentioned all the invitation I had received. Well here is some data: 75 invites assuring that every minute of this four-day extravaganza will be filled with amazing but overlapping events from a western BBQ at Red Rock Amphatheater to a private screening of the Valerie Harper's new movie "Golda's Balcony" (Golda lived in Denver during her high school years); from a "Nosh and Schmooze" at Zaidy's Deli (I'm not making this up!) to Hillary Clinton's Delegate Reception; from the daily early morning Ohio Delegate breakfast briefings (and daily credential distribution) to an afternoon"Equali-Tea" to late night "Scotch and Cigar" --uh, I'll be sipping this one! As you can imagine--every event includes LOTS of food.

I am writing this from the Hyatt Hotel lobby-there is some room mix-up and we (Lana and I) can't get into our room. My luggage is checked, no uploading cables. So photos will have to wait until next post.
All the hotel lobby TVs (like 10 of them) are tuned into C-Span's airing of Senator Obama's introduction of his VP Choice: Senator Biden who will add grey hair and gravitas to the ticket!

In the meantime: APOLOGY to my Good Samaritan-Mark NOT Rick. Sorry, Mark for the name error and thanks again, for helping us out of that little jam. Any chance you could stop here at the Denver Hyatt and solve our room problem, too!!?

Friday, August 22, 2008

In Memorium

As you know, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones passed away Wednesday from a brain aneuryism. This is a tragic loss for her family, our city and our country. So much has been written about Stephanie during these past few days: Local and national press alike praised her personal and professional accomplishments -- and there were many. 
Stephanie was my Congresswoman. In January, 2006, I was in Washington, DC with Lana Moresky (see previous blog) for the swearing in of Speaker Nancy Pelosi-the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives/ It was Stephanie who graciously took our coats, bags and cell phones (not allowed in the Chamber) and spirited us into prime seats in the visitors' gallery to witness the historic event. It was as stunning as it was a thrilling day. (Same day as Rebecca and Aaron got engaged!)
Stephanie was so excited about being a Super Delegate at the approaching Democratic National Convention. Although Stephanie withstood a huge amount of pressure for her strong and loyal support of Hillary Clinton, Stephanie always said her word was her bond and until Barack Obama won the majority of delegates, Stephanie kept her promise to support Hillary-in spite of the potential political backlash. 
In the end, Stephanie was not to have her chance to bask in her amazing accomplishments: a 5-term Congresswoman from Ohio District 11; Chairman of the Congressional Ethics Committee; a member of the House Ways and Means Committee; and a powerful force for advocacy in our community. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rick and Ruth: Good Samaritans

Today, I met Lana Moresky (my #1 Democratic friend and Convention traveling partner, roommate and great pal)  at a local Starbucks to coordinate all of our Convo invitations (see previous blog).
It was a gorgeous summer day and we wanted to be outside. Unfortunately, this particular Starbucks did not have outside tables and chairs and inside the shop was too cold for us. So we decided to just sit in Lana's car with the windows open. About an hour or so later, as we were saying our "good byes", Lana's car didn't start. Battery DEAD. I guess that happens when you leave the ignition on without the engine running. Not having her own jumper cables, I went into Starbucks and asked if anyone had a pair of such cables. And as luck would have it, Rick, a great guy wearing his Ohio State cap (see photo), volunteered to help.(**check out the book Rick is holding). Rick's friend Ruth-from-Ravenna (Ohio) was parked right next to Lana. So Rick linked his cables from Lana's battery to Ruth's battery and voila! Engine re-started! 
In the meantime, of course, we started talking about the convention and Obama. Ruth told us that she recently volunteered her barn to be part of the new "Barns for Obama" program. (check it out: 
Who knew there was a Democrat in Ravenna, OH? Ruth said she might be the "only one"! But, I bet after people in Ravenna, OH see Ruth's barn, they might start thinking that Obama might be good idea for OHIO and the USA, too!
As you can tell, Convo stuff is starting to heat up!!

**Remember "GoodNight Moon"? Well, now there is "Good Night Bush" :

You're Going to the Convention? You're Popular!

I notice that both my email box and my snail mail box are filled with invitations. Each days brings a a few invitations for what sound like spectacular and inspiring pre/during/and post convention events.
Last week, the invites were coming at the rate of about one/day. And, today, only 5 days from departure, the invite delivery rate has ramped up to 6 invitations!  Some of the invitations are arriving in beautiful envelopes, same as a "save the postage" post cards, and other as email invitations, attending everything will definitely fill every day. Some of the events are free. Some not. Some more preferred and already sold-out like the Emily's list event with a 400 person waiting list featuring Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton (so far, I'm not "in"...but I'm working on it!).
Other invites include: Melissa Etheridge- headlining the "Rock to Win" concert; "A salute to American Veterans"; and the Opening NIght Reception at the Red Rock Amphitheater. 
You can see that receiving so many invitations could make a girl  feel popular!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Oops! Tickets to Obama's Acceptance Speech

Well,  I recently offered you tickets to Senator Obama's acceptance speech to be given in Denver's Mile-High Stadium. While the stadium is reported to seat 75,000, I learned that the offer to me  is limited to Ohioans and then I can only have 4 tickets! So so much for my generous offer and so sorry for raising too many hopes...(I did get a request for 8 tickets from a Denver-ite) but if there are 4 Ohioans who still want to attend, let me know. For non-Ohioans, contact someone in your state delegation--75,000 is a LOTTA tickets!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm starting ANOTHER blog!

Today, I received a call from a local newspaper (The Cleveland Jewish News [CJN]-not the the New York Times...but a nice invitation nevertheless) inviting me to  post a daily blog from Denver to the CJN website during Convention week. I will be writing about some of the colorful events, who I see, interesting "bubba-meices" and other random goings-on, however NO blatant politicking allowed.
But don't you worry, those of you reading THIS blog will be reading the MOST colorful and less publishable convention tidbits along with BLATANT politicking!! 
Following the convention,  I'll write a followup article for the CJN. 
Following the convention, this blog will keep you up-to-date with Ohio's goings on right through election night. 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Guanxi: Relationships

As I think back to the many campaign events I have attended--events that sometimes cost small bucks but more often than not: BIG bucks--I see that in exchange for $$$, the ticket affords access to the celebrity politico. From local to state to federal, the price of admission may vary, but the ticket holder's expectations are the same: Meet the Big Cheese while also meeting friends of the Big Cheese and people who want to be friends with the Big Cheese! 
The ticket holders want to promote themselves, their business or just acquire some cool cocktail convo: "Oh last night when I was talking to Bill...."
Now, my daughter Rebecca is living in Shanghai and from her blog: I (and possibly you) have learned about "Guanxi": relationships, and how in China, you can't/don't do business without good Guanxi. Guanxi is integral to moving a relationship forward. That the Chinese have this single word to describe the entire Gestalt of the meeting-greeting-befriending-lobbying-getting-to-know-you-thing is an indication of how important it is to have good Guanxi.
The thing is, by having this word, the Chinese admit and acknowledge they are working on their Guanxi. But I have never heard an American acknowledge (outloud) that they are developing their Guanxi-while of course we all do.
Now, imagine, beginning August 24, the Guanxi Quotient that will exist in Denver at the Democratic Convention (and of course the following week in Minneapolis at the Republican's event.) 
The highest Dems (and some low ones) in the land will be smiling, shaking hands, slapping backs, giving hugs, and exchanging business cards (mine are packed!). It's going to be Guanxi on steroids. I can't wait!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

In two weeks I will go to Denver

Although the Denver Convention does not begin until Sunday, August 24, a few recent happening may be of interest. (Also, we can test this site to see if you are getting the automatic email directing you to this post!)

Last weekend, here in Cleveland, the Platform Drafting Committee met to discuss and give voice to Democrats from across the country who shared the issues that are important to them in town hall meeting over the last few weeks. The Drafting Committee will issue a draft to go before the entire Platform Committee this weekend in Pittsburgh, PA.

Last Sunday, Senator Barack Obama sent a letter to the chairs of the Credentials Committee--my committee!-- expressing his desire to see the delegations of Florida and Michigan seated at the Convention with full votes. In response to Senator Obama's letter, Senator Clinton has issued the following statement: "During the campaign, I strongly advocated for the Democratic Party to seat the Florida and Michigan delegation with their full votes. The Democratic Party has always stood up for the principle of counting every person's vote. Today, Senator Obama has requested that the Credentials Committee give Florida and Michigan delegates their full votes. This is the right position for the Democratic Party and for the country."
To read Senator Obama's letter, go to

Today, I received a telephone call from the Obama campaign confirming my attendance at the Convention as a member of the Credentials Committee and assuring me  a credential for Senator Obama's Thursday night acceptance speech at Denver's Mile High Stadium (75,000 people!)  If you would like to attend, just let me know. I am able to get tickets for family and friends. So if you're going to be in Denver on August 28th,  just let me know!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm going to the DNC Convention

It's official! I will be attending the Democratic National Convention (August 24-29)  in Denver as a member of the DNC Credentials Committee. As you know, I have been ardent supporter of and fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton. As you also know,  Hillary has made it clear, that we all want to see a Democrat elected President on November 4, 2008. And that includes me-and I hope you!

Tonight I attended a small gathering of Northern Ohio Democrats at Lana Moresky's home where both Lana and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland spoke passionately about their past support for Hillary and their current and future support for Barack Obama. As Governor Strickland said, "We will do what it takes to elect Barack Obama!"

Ohio will certainly be a battleground state in this fall's election and I will be part of the team to keep Ohio and turn Washington  Blue!

I will be posting blogs about the Convention's goings on, what I see and hear, and what I make of the whole gig. As a member of the Credentials Committee I will have a "season pass" to all sessions of the the convention--not like 2004 when I was begging for a ticket! So, if you want another opinion from CNN, MSNBC or FOX News, tune into my 'DNCCONVO2008'!

If you are interested in following me on this exciting and historic adventure, just subscribe to my blog by following the simple rules on the website. (For you non-bloggers, there is no charge "to subscribe". Rather that is the web term for automatically receiving the notification that a new blog has been posted.

More to come...