Thursday, August 7, 2008

In two weeks I will go to Denver

Although the Denver Convention does not begin until Sunday, August 24, a few recent happening may be of interest. (Also, we can test this site to see if you are getting the automatic email directing you to this post!)

Last weekend, here in Cleveland, the Platform Drafting Committee met to discuss and give voice to Democrats from across the country who shared the issues that are important to them in town hall meeting over the last few weeks. The Drafting Committee will issue a draft to go before the entire Platform Committee this weekend in Pittsburgh, PA.

Last Sunday, Senator Barack Obama sent a letter to the chairs of the Credentials Committee--my committee!-- expressing his desire to see the delegations of Florida and Michigan seated at the Convention with full votes. In response to Senator Obama's letter, Senator Clinton has issued the following statement: "During the campaign, I strongly advocated for the Democratic Party to seat the Florida and Michigan delegation with their full votes. The Democratic Party has always stood up for the principle of counting every person's vote. Today, Senator Obama has requested that the Credentials Committee give Florida and Michigan delegates their full votes. This is the right position for the Democratic Party and for the country."
To read Senator Obama's letter, go to

Today, I received a telephone call from the Obama campaign confirming my attendance at the Convention as a member of the Credentials Committee and assuring me  a credential for Senator Obama's Thursday night acceptance speech at Denver's Mile High Stadium (75,000 people!)  If you would like to attend, just let me know. I am able to get tickets for family and friends. So if you're going to be in Denver on August 28th,  just let me know!

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