Wednesday, January 21, 2009


With the immense Presidential Security convey (something like 25 vehicles including a SWAT Team, Ambulance, something with  a BIG Gun and about 15 big, black SUVs plus the President's car) escorting the President and Mrs. Obama to and from the 10 Official Inaugural Balls, causing the rest of us to figure out all the street closures and our personal getting around! So:  NO cabs. No private cars. Shuttle Buses were provided to the Balls. But the buses couldn't get through either!! So we got off the bus and walked.

Cheryl Crowe entertained us at the Midwest Ball. 

Five hours after the Ball's starting time, the highlight we all were waiting for: The 7.5 minute appearance of The President and Mrs. Obama! 

Like Cinderella our party-time had come to an end and we had to leave the Ball. Cinderella had her pumpkin. We had our green Pedi-Cab and our friendly driver, Andrew 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The BIG Day

It was a BIG -and long-day. We left our hotel at 8 am and with only a short stop to change for The Ball, we didn't return until after 1AM. 
We planned on watching the swearing in from the Jones Day rooftop terrace located on the side of the Capitol where there was either a security breacch or a water main break (we heard both!) In any case the result was we were stuck on 1st street with thousands of other people...going nowhere. After about an hour of not moving, we made "our escape" and found our way to Jones Day. But since the entrance gates closed at 11.30 am--thousands of ticket holders at the purple gate never got in. 

Look at all the people on the surrounding rooftops!
The Sharpshooters were everywhere.

While we perched atop Jones Day roof top garden,  Aaron and Rebecca took part in the standing crowd and later joined us.

The crowd greeted introduction of GW Bush with a loud and long "boo".
While you watch this video, you will clearly hear the feelings of the crowd!! 

Next: The Ball

Monday, January 19, 2009


As you might guess, having Howard along on this adventure has allowed me to not only actually BE in the photos, but to have a LOTTA photos to share. So here, in no particular order is the first installment.....

Waiting on line at the Russell Senate Office Building where I collected my two inaugural swearing-in tickets from Senator Sherrod Brown's office.

At Hillary Clinton's Brunch we met:

Former Governor of California Gray Davis w/ Howard
President Bill CLinton w/ Howard
Me in front a huge Hillary-postered wall
Arron Price Chatting up Hillary?
Lots of security--every where

A few of the over 5000 port-o-potties
The Entire OSU Marching Band playing INSIDE the Mayflower Hotel. You think this band is loud outside in their stadium, try standing next to one of the tuba's INSIDE a building!!

Washington Monument 
Rebecca and Arron on the Mall w/ Lincoln Memorial waaay in the back!

People, Power and Promise

If you have been watching any TV, you already have seen the impressive crowds and the inspiring monuments neither of which require any more amplification. But in spite of all the talking heads talk, the energy and excitement is so indescribable. Cynics may say the "love in the air will soon be replaced by the old acrimony", but if our new young President has anything to say, I doubt it.
Standing in the crowd during yesterday's fee Lincoln Memorial concert, it was hard not to strike up conversation with a fellow American. The talk was not only about the size of the crowd but the cheerfulness and pleasantness of the people. We decided that we people have been starved for smart, powerful leaders, and we are all just in awe (and holding our breath) with the possibilities of promise.
Last night at Ohio's Ball, over 900 people partied at the Mayflower Hotel. When the ENTIRE Ohio State University Marching Band-all 225 of them dressed in full uniform-marched into the ballroom, there were plenty of surprised faces and dropped jaws as the world's largest brass and percussion band entertained the crowd for 30 minutes! Watch for OSU Band marching in tomorrow's inaugural parade. Seen in the crowd were two of  the Democratic wannabe Senatorial candidates: Lee Fisher and Tim Ryan. (Last week, Ohio's Senator George Voinovich announced he will not run for re-election-leaving an open seat to attract a lot of attention) Lots of speculation...
Sadly Sherrod Brown, our great US Senator, was detained back home in Ohio, as his mom is not well. We wish her well.  Ohio's Governor Ted Strickland: Missing. Ted, Where were you?
Pictures will be posted later.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Quick Update

A quick update for my faithful readers. More details and more pictures later.
After a short 6 hour drive, we arrived in DC and encountered: NO problem. (you know how the weather people always scare us when potential bad weather is on the way? Well, same with this celebration! Not bad. We are so happy to be part of this!)
The city is giddy. Buildings are decorated for the celebration. Streets closed. Music blaring. Just a really huge party
Howard, Aaron, Rebecca and I went to the Convention Center to pick up our Midwest Ball Tickets
 and then spent the remainder of the afternoon on the Mall watching people (lots of them!) and listening to the concert: We are the One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. It was great. People dancing, singing cheering, carrying on. Then when Obama started to  speak: SILENCE. Awesome.
 Aerial shot of National Mall
Now, I'm rushing to change into some party clothes (yes! flat shoes!) to go the Ohio's Celebration.
Stay tuned

Saturday, January 17, 2009


far away from home without laptop access...just me & my Treo...will this really post?

Gotta get going.

We are like little kids: Glued to the TV. Mesmerized by the new President:  The 1000 watt smile. The throaty chuckle. The eagerness to meet and greet the crowd.
I recommend Peggy Noonan's column in today's Wall Street Journal where she says: "It's good to put [previous disappointments] aside for a few days, to remove yourself from politics, partisanship and faction, to suspend your disbelief, to be grateful that the signs and symbols endure, as does the republic, and raise a toast: "To the president of the United States."   Imagine me quoting Peggy Noonan!

About an hour ago, we decided that instead of leaving in the morning, we'd leave tonight... can't wait to get to the party!

So, after this evening's date with some friends, we'll pack the car and drive to DC! 
It's going to be amazing --- starting with sunrise over the Potomac!