Wednesday, January 21, 2009


With the immense Presidential Security convey (something like 25 vehicles including a SWAT Team, Ambulance, something with  a BIG Gun and about 15 big, black SUVs plus the President's car) escorting the President and Mrs. Obama to and from the 10 Official Inaugural Balls, causing the rest of us to figure out all the street closures and our personal getting around! So:  NO cabs. No private cars. Shuttle Buses were provided to the Balls. But the buses couldn't get through either!! So we got off the bus and walked.

Cheryl Crowe entertained us at the Midwest Ball. 

Five hours after the Ball's starting time, the highlight we all were waiting for: The 7.5 minute appearance of The President and Mrs. Obama! 

Like Cinderella our party-time had come to an end and we had to leave the Ball. Cinderella had her pumpkin. We had our green Pedi-Cab and our friendly driver, Andrew 

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