Friday, August 22, 2008

In Memorium

As you know, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones passed away Wednesday from a brain aneuryism. This is a tragic loss for her family, our city and our country. So much has been written about Stephanie during these past few days: Local and national press alike praised her personal and professional accomplishments -- and there were many. 
Stephanie was my Congresswoman. In January, 2006, I was in Washington, DC with Lana Moresky (see previous blog) for the swearing in of Speaker Nancy Pelosi-the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives/ It was Stephanie who graciously took our coats, bags and cell phones (not allowed in the Chamber) and spirited us into prime seats in the visitors' gallery to witness the historic event. It was as stunning as it was a thrilling day. (Same day as Rebecca and Aaron got engaged!)
Stephanie was so excited about being a Super Delegate at the approaching Democratic National Convention. Although Stephanie withstood a huge amount of pressure for her strong and loyal support of Hillary Clinton, Stephanie always said her word was her bond and until Barack Obama won the majority of delegates, Stephanie kept her promise to support Hillary-in spite of the potential political backlash. 
In the end, Stephanie was not to have her chance to bask in her amazing accomplishments: a 5-term Congresswoman from Ohio District 11; Chairman of the Congressional Ethics Committee; a member of the House Ways and Means Committee; and a powerful force for advocacy in our community. 

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