Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We read in the paper (The Vast Variety!) and on-line polls and hear from the TV talkers and pollsters that there is a not-so-soft whispering campaign against Barack Obama telling people-among other things- that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
First if all he isn't.
BUT, even if he were, isn't there something like The United States Bill of Rights-first amendment-"freedom of religion"? 
Ok. OK. I know that for some people, the Muslim thing immediately translates into "terrorist"--though I must say -- a mighty broad brush stroke....but that is a story for another day.
So here I am in Sarasota, Florida (You know-Florida is in the South!?) and while talking to a very nice businessman who seemed --from our conversation --to be supporting Obama who suddenly says to me: "The only thing is, he's a Muslin." 
Dear reader, don't worry, I set him straight. I mentioned the fact checker website
If you ever receive an email that doesn't "sound right", you should go to SNOPES and check it out.
If you are supporting Barack Obama, you have the responsibility to talk to people and dispel these myths. This kind of support doesn't cost you a dime. Only the time it takes to tell someone the FACTS.

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