From Lake Erie to the Ohio River, Youngstown to Toledo (for those of you not familiar with geography, that means north to south, east to west), the candidates and their surrogates are flooding Ohio looking for money and votes.
room with Bill, you know what I mean when I say: "He owns the crowd."
Ohioans are lately in the (not such good) news: Joe-the-Plumber is from Toledo. Sarah Palin's rally in Strongsville where someone yelled: "Kill him".
In the raising money department, today, I was in a Shaker Heights living room (albeit way in the back-see photo) with President 42: Bill Clinton. For those of you who have been in a

After 8 years of listening to you-know-who, it was refreshing to hear a leader who put dozens of sentences together and they all made sense! President Clinton was optimistic about Obama's winning the election however he cautioned against complacency and emphasized the importance of "get out the vote".
As of this writing-in OHIO- McCain has pulled even with Obama. Hopefully, when you read this, that will not be the case. Here is one set of polls you can check:
However, the only poll that really matters is the one that occurs on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.
Seen in the crowd: Ohio's Lieutenent Governor's son, Jason Fisher (producer /director of "Swing State" see blog: Random Musings) who, you may recall, is working with Katie Couric on her CBS webcast. Last week, Jason was with the CBS team in Nashville for Presidential Debate #2. Jason and Bob Schieffer (Moderator: Presidential Debate #3) were talking about possible questions Schieffer could ask. Jason suggested he ask about how the candidates felt about their Vice Presidential running mates and their fitness to assume the "job #1". And you know, Scheiffer asked that very question. If you saw the debate, you heard the candidates' answers. Obama described, in detail, Joe Biden's intellect and foreign policy experience. About the best McCain could say was that he was "proud" of Sarah Palin. "Proud?" of her? Come on, is she is daughter? What kind of qualification attends to McCain's "proudness"?
Musing #2. Received an email asking me to verify some of the smears circulating the internet. If you receive any one these wild accusations, please check for the truth at
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