As you might guess, having Howard along on this adventure has allowed me to not only actually BE in the photos, but to have a LOTTA photos to share. So here, in no particular order is the first installment.....
Waiting on line at the Russell Senate Office Building where I collected my two inaugural swearing-in tickets from Senator Sherrod Brown's office.
At Hillary Clinton's Brunch we met:
Former Governor of California Gray Davis w/ Howard
President Bill CLinton w/ Howard
Me in front a huge Hillary-postered wall
Arron Price Chatting up Hillary?
Lots of security--every where
A few of the over 5000 port-o-potties
The Entire OSU Marching Band playing INSIDE the Mayflower Hotel. You think this band is loud outside in their stadium, try standing next to one of the tuba's INSIDE a building!!
Washington Monument
Rebecca and Arron on the Mall w/ Lincoln Memorial waaay in the back!
Dearest Susan,
I love your updates from DC. Enjoy this special moment in history and sharing the experience with your family. I will watch the swearing in from here in Miami and am envious of you for your being part of something so BIG! God bless America and Barack Obama!
Kisses from the beach,
Ray-I love it that you love my blog!! You are my only comment-maker. Thanks!
Hi Susan,
What an amazing experience for you. I loved seeing this and reading about it through your eyes. Maybe next time you can take me with you...hahaha
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