As you might guess, having Howard along on this adventure has allowed me to not only actually BE in the photos, but to have a LOTTA photos to share. So here, in no particular order is the first installment.....
Waiting on line at the Russell Senate Office Building where I collected my two inaugural swearing-in tickets from Senator Sherrod Brown's office.
At Hillary Clinton's Brunch we met:
Former Governor of California Gray Davis w/ Howard
President Bill CLinton w/ Howard
Me in front a huge Hillary-postered wall
Arron Price Chatting up Hillary?
Lots of security--every where
A few of the over 5000 port-o-potties
The Entire OSU Marching Band playing INSIDE the Mayflower Hotel. You think this band is loud outside in their stadium, try standing next to one of the tuba's INSIDE a building!!
Washington Monument
Rebecca and Arron on the Mall w/ Lincoln Memorial waaay in the back!